Friday, June 1, 2012

Fast Food

Mmmmm… getting ready to take a big bite into that


most amazing,





It’s just a comfort food. A craving. It's pretty cheap. It always taunts me ...

Hold it right there!

Why do we do this to ourselves? Lie I mean. We all know that this kind of fast food is bad for us, but we still have to convince ourselves when we go out that it’s OK to maybe have it once in a while. So here’s the thing: Instead of having a burger or fries, try a homemade salad, have the better choice on the menu. Look past those Harvey’s, McDonalds and Burger king advertisements on the TV and the billboards and think to yourself: “Will this benefit my health in the long run?”

But when we do eventually give in, why is it that we have to defend ourselves when we go out to eat at a fast food restaurant? “Oh, I’m just having another craving.” Is it maybe because we feel guilty? Worried someone will judge us?

I don’t know about you but like everything else, we must know our limit! Do you want to end up having heart failure at age 30? Or suffer depression because you rely so much on this bad food?

No, dammit we don't!

It doesn’t matter how much we want that cheap, unhealthy food to be good for us, and for vegetables like broccoli to actually taste yummy, but this is just not going to happen.

You don’t have to feel guilty as long as you truly have it once in a while. So, what’s your favourite fast food meal anyway?

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