Monday, June 11, 2012

Social Networking

Facebook. MySpace. Twitter…

Is it just me, or do our entire lives revolve around social networking sites? If we want to communicate, aside from texting, we’ll use Facebook or Twitter. “Hey what’s up? Did you hear about ..."

This is apparently what matters the most to us: following every single thing that the celebs are up to every minute of the day and having to tell everybody else, who apparently hasn’t heard yet.


You get home from school, you make yourself something to eat and then... Oh it’s Facebook time!

Is this what our lives are all about? Spending endless hours on social networking sites uploading pictures, playing mindless games and tweeting? Don’t you get tired of updating your Facebook status every ten minutes? Is this the only thing that we can rely on to entertain us and keep us away from what actually goes on in the outside world, apart from who is wearing what?

Now don’t get me wrong, I like Facebook. But come on, there has to be a limit for goodness sakes. Sure, update your status or Tweet about something when it is actually worth the time, but don’t make it a habit. You don’t want to be known as “that person with the annoying statuses."

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