Thursday, June 7, 2012

Toddlers and Makeovers?

So, the other day I was reading a news article on toddlers and the effects that perfectionism from parents has on them. The article talked about mothers who dress up their young children for the purpose of beauty. This includes tanning, shaving their legs, putting make up on them and dressing them in inappropriate clothing.

Is it necessary for a child at the age of 4 to 7 years old to wear make up? It is sad to see that beauty is being implied as looking, well, superficial, when really it is how a person should feel on the inside.

Parents should not exploit their children at such a young age in the way of making them look and feel older then they really are. When is it right to take away their innocence and introduce them into the advertised world where “being pretty gets you noticed”.

has anyone seen the show Toddlers and Tiaras? I could only watch 10 minutes of it before I had to shut it off; it was just too much for me to see these young girls parading on a stage, where they are judged on beauty and talent when they are only 6 years old!

The effects on these kids are even more devastating. Do parents realize what it will be like for them in the future when they’re older if they continue to encourage superficial beauty? They may grow up believing that beauty is solely on the outside and have no tolerance for those who “do not apply” to the principle.

The article was a good way to make the issue known that parents should not create their children into something that defies moral standards. It starts with children, so leave them to explore the world when they are ready.  

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